Go First Challenge Week 3: Ask A Question

Question for you: how do you feel about small talk?

I’m probably in the minority in that I don’t really mind it. But I’ve also found a helpful reframe: rather than look at small talk as a smattering of awkward questions, see them as stepping stones to getting to know someone, even if it’s not a forever someone.

This week’s challenge: Ask a question.

If I may, can I suggest you ask a question that goes somewhere? My favorite for someone new is the standard, “What do you do?” However, I’m going to follow that up with, “How did you get into that?” All of a sudden I’m on my way to learning what makes someone tick (or not tick) rather than just the bullet points of their resume.

Other stepping stones I like:

Did you grow up here? —> What brought you here/kept you here? —>This usually brings me to something we have in common or an interesting follow up about where they’d like to go next.

What did you do this weekend?—. How’d you hear about that/How’d you get started/interested in that?/or if it’s a kid activity, did they get that interest from you?—> Now I’ve uncovered an interest or hobby that they’re usually excited to talk more about.

Are you traveling anywhere for (insert upcoming travel season here😉)—> Are you typically a traveler or more of a homebody?—> Travelers usually tell me more about their recent travels, homebodies I can ask follow up questions about books, movies, or tv shows.


If you are the one who is new, you could also take a slightly different approach to the “ask a question” and ask about the new community. Brooke had a great idea to ask about people’s dentist recommendations – or optometrist, grocery store, gym. People love to give recommendations and if you’re intentional about posing this question in a group, you may meet your people or the connector to your people.


So, are you up for it? Ask a question. I hope you find even more than an answer.


Go First Challenge Week 4: Follow Up


Go First Challenge Week 2: Invite